
Legacy gallery of Milun Mitrović

Location: Sokobanja
Organization for tourism and culture Sokobanja
Trg Oslobodenja 2
18230 Sokobanja

Legacy gallery of Milun Mitrović was opened on the 21st June 2001, at the initiative of painter Milun Mitrović from Sokobanja, who, for that occasion, gave 150 paintings to Sokobanja. Master of Arts Milun Mitrović was born on the 15th December 1922 in the village of Rujevica in Sokobanja region. He graduated from art school in Belgrade in 1948. He was a member of several associations of artists at home and abroad. He had over 40 solo exhibitions at home. He received a number of awards as well as Order of the Republic with Golden Wreath.
During the year, exhibitions of a number of acknowledged national and foreign artists are held in this facility.